Everyone seemed to sense the impending action - except the outlaws, shrouded as they were by their newspaper curtains.
Rhodan assigned 500 of these to the impending major action.
Yet to Cliff, it carried a strange note that presaged impending action!
Most of those interviewed refused to be identified by name, citing privacy concerns and the potential impending legal action against them.
The Monday edition is designed as a preview of the week's impending action.
The government contended that the reporters had tipped off the charities to the impending actions against them.
Reconnaissance only for an impending military action, suffice it to say.
A Level Four meant impending military action was imminent.
The ship was relatively crowded, but they got used to it, the common threat and impending action minimizing tensions.
They had almost forgotten the impending action in the pleasure of meeting'Very decent of you.