There was major build-up to the 2000 championships due to the impending clash between Ritz, Webb, and Hall.
At the time, he believed Britain could do this while staying out of the impending clash with Hitler.
The impending clash of forces might determine the whole outcome of the war.
Pakistani officials characterized the impending clash as "the mother of all battles."
The Solar System was at the moment of its appearance still too far away to join the impending clash.
He knew that in the impending clash with Voortrekker they were expendable.
But the earl insinuated a restraining hand, though without any indication that he had seen the impending clash.
Most of the films involved an impending clash between two warring populations, one civilized and the other evilly barbaric.
In 1550, facing an impending clash with Harukata, he tried to flee to Chikuzen Province, but was captured and placed under house arrest.
Pre-battle maneuver gave the competing commanders a feel for the impending clash, but final outcomes could be unpredictable, even after the start of hostilities.