It seemed a trivial matter, a petty prelude to the gigantic impending conflict.
However, the impending conflict of the American Civil War caused great economic concern.
If the young officer has doubts about the impending conflict, he would not reveal it.
Drummond later added that these early settlers moved so far to avoid impending conflicts with Spain, in which Portugal was commonly active.
"U.S. media outlets are doing a fine job covering the story, but it's important to see how all the various players in the impending conflict are reporting it."
As such, screens were erected to sell the point of an impending military conflict on a global scale.
The impending conflict comes in the form of a vow taken by Alby that he will not marry a girl, who laughs at his father.
What about all this impending conflict we're trying to avoid?
The impending conflict between Cleeve and Borth had all the elements of an equal struggle.
A battle helmet telegraphs impending conflict, and that connotes defense measures such as armed concealed, personnel for protection.