This money was placed in trust with Canada by the Russian government for protection due to the impending Russian revolution.
When an impending revolution threatens their regime, the Royal Family decides to abandon responsibilities and pursue their private dreams.
Early biographers have generally claimed that he left because of the impending revolution.
The latter, they proclaimed, would be the true vanguard party that would lead the supposedly impending (within months) revolution of the working class against Rockefeller fascism.
That sounded like an impending revolution to her.
The Death Squad was totally unaware of the impending revolution and was only doing what it had been doing for millenniums.
Only the Marxists, a tiny minority, had attempted to create confrontational conditions which they believed to be a harbinger of the impending proletarian revolution against Imperialism.
Pride and a super-refinement of culture furnished the rank soil in which the impending religious revolution was to find abundant nourishment.
The impending revolution against James forced him to return to Douai, where he soon proceeded D.D. and was installed in the chair of divinity.
There's never an impending revolution.