Jordan's impending surgery puts a damper on his comeback season and damages the Wizards' chances of making the playoffs.
The family members are dealing with Mr. Galarza's impending surgery and Mrs. Galarza's fragile health, but they think their situation could have been even worse.
Hundley did not tell his teammates about the impending surgery.
The significance of Guidry's impending surgery remains to be determined.
Mr. Kennedy, who said he spoke to Mrs. Harris by telephone on Monday night, said she was "just terrified" about her impending surgery.
Aides said the Governor was "distracted" and decided immediately to return to Boston after he was told of the impending surgery.
What focus I had, though, was not on the logistics of breakfast or weddings, nor even on the impending surgery I was contemplating.
Mr. Clinton, his family and the hospital have provided few details about the impending surgery, and have not publicly identified the surgeons who will perform the bypass.
They come back with interviews about the impending surgery with little girls who love Barbies.
He also said he did not think that the impending surgery ever weighed on his mind.