And what was the almost imperceptible sound he heard, like a soft hiss?
A soft, nearly imperceptible sound rose from deep in its chest, a clear, crisp ping!
It was a tiny, almost imperceptible sound, like someone cleaning, silver spoons in another part of the house.
An almost imperceptible sound came from the black man's throat.
Then she heard something else, an almost imperceptible sound from beneath her feet, and she knew instantly what it was.
After a pause there was an almost imperceptible sound.
Lulled by their almost imperceptible sound, he'd completely forgotten about the harp.
He began to edge his way over to it, knowing that Iggy would be able to follow the almost imperceptible sound.
But Lekoya's keen ears caught the almost imperceptible sound of their movement.
The air was filled with a very low, almost imperceptible humming sound that grated on her nerves.