Postpositivists believe that a reality exists, like positivists do, though they hold that it can be known only imperfectly and probabilistically.
Both the diversity and the distribution of Minnesota fleshy fungi are still very imperfectly known.
It is likely that the records available considerably underestimate winter numbers as the Coot's status on less important areas of water is very imperfectly known.
Its orography and geological structure are imperfectly known.
Some such data relate to quantities representing physical constants, each of which is known imperfectly.
The geomorphology of Asia in general is imperfectly known, although the deposits and mountain ranges are well known.
The view from space has made familiar the image of the world; but within living memory, its surface was still imperfectly known.
The Royal family of Emesa is very imperfectly known.
I think this is the instance on the largest scale of any known, though imperfectly known.
The situation of those countries was at that time very imperfectly known in Europe.