Compared to imperial architecture, the ceiling was low, and despite the cleanliness of the structure, a feeling of dinginess permeated the surrounding.
The dank claustrophobia of the city's run-down areas gives way to the gleaming expanses of its imperial architecture.
They have referred to it as being "the finest example of imperial Roman architecture".
It was another talk about imperial architecture.
Along one side of it, there is much imperial architecture.
This appears to be the first use of lateral cusped arches in a Bengali mosque's interior, and was doubtless inspired by imperial mughal architecture.
They are placed at a right angle along the ridge of roofs, and are usually featured in religious or imperial architecture.
A trip to Vienna was designed to nurture an appreciation for the music of Mozart and the imperial architecture of the Hapsburgs.
The architecture is reflective of the British imperial architecture at the beginning of the nineteenth century.
An interesting city supposedly, landmarked with imperial architecture, and a good cultural life.