Since the Emperor views them as an enemy, Wong ends up facing down not only Kung but also Lan (Yen Chi Tan), the imperial commander.
Soon after, Matsudaira Katamori, his son Nobunori, and the senior retainers came before the imperial commanders in person, and offered their unconditional surrender.
They objected to serving under a British imperial commander, so Governor Maitland promoted Stockenström to colonel, so as to place him in command of the local mixed commandos.
His son Franz Moritz von Lacy had entered the Austrian service in 1743 and became one of the most successful imperial commanders of the 18th century.
His responsibilities as an imperial commander in chief fit him for the role of warrior, and his passion for the theater, notably actresses, made him well known as a lover.
Bhai Himmat Singh proved a brave warrior and, while at Anandpur, he took part in battles with the surrounding hill chiefs and imperial commanders.
The imperial commander held back his cavalry, unsure what this peculiar move might mean, what might happen next.
"I want to parley with the imperial commander."
The relations between estates and duke improved since Francis II redeemed ducal pawns with money he had earned as imperial commander.
He was one of three imperial commanders when the Yellow Turban Rebellion broke out, along with Zhu Jun and Lu Zhi.