The fabled city's imperial legacy lived on.
And, yes, of course Western governments and the imperial legacy are implicated.
Britain still lives with its imperial legacy, and racism was the motor of empire.
The imperial legacy includes the borders of the modern states themselves and the existence of significant minorities within the states.
Epilepsy, insanity, scrofula, adultery, murder, and incest will be their inalienable, imperial legacies.
Moreover, Rome transformed the metropolitan system into a part of her imperial legacy.
They de-emphasize the firm's imperial legacy.
The illiteracy rate was 48.4% due to the lingering imperial legacy, the highest in Poland and well above national average of 23.1% (in 1931).
What, after all, was Churchill's imperial legacy?
Hungary, whose Communist leaders have suddenly shown a revived interest in their imperial legacy, co-produced a major television documentary on Prince Rudolf.