These ceremonial embroideries in ornate imperial style were actually created far from the court, on a remote island of southern China.
"He came to a little tiny company and brought an imperial style that is not appropriate for the circumstances."
He simply nodded his head, and murmured in return: "There are certain disadvantages to elite troops from the capital, accustomed to imperial style.
EVEN in the 20th century, presidents savored the imperial style.
"The imperial style of the 10th century Anglo-Saxon kings."
Although he apparently avoided the imperial style himself, his subjects and his successor did not.
"He has a kind of imperial style."
Generally speaking, Buddhist architecture follows the imperial style.
Mr Schuller's local congregation is not altogether happy with his imperial style and church finances are suffering.
Now, many grumble that he has adopted much of the imperial style of his authoritarian predecessors.