The rest of the regiment escorted the imperial treasure, and reached Wilno on 9 December.
With Salim's support, Dulla built up a small army which made loots from the imperial treasure and merchants in the area of Sandal Bar.
First came the camels bearing the imperial treasure, one hundred loaded with gold and two hundred with silver coin.
While withdrawing the Persian emperor carried away as much of the imperial treasure and other valuable possessions as he could carry.
Many of Cixi's imperial treasures did survive, and are now on display in the galleries above her tomb.
An imperial princess suddenly became insane, in which condition she threw a chest containing imperial treasures into the sea.
Preservation, sales and looting of imperial treasures after the Russian Revolution of 1917 is a matter of controversy and speculation.
What to Do Most visitors to China come to see the nation's many excellent historic and cultural sites, including the imperial treasures.
Imagine a famous European city, full of imperial treasures and worth besieging, and yet much younger than New York.
We had plenty, having looted certain imperial treasures before departing the Barrow-land.