His tone was polite, but there was something about the scene - the girl with her eyes on the ground, the man with the imperious bearing - that set Caroline's teeth on edge.
For all her imperious bearing, she stood no taller than Mary.
Zena had all the glitter of Hollywood, and she had the imperious bearing of a film star that made her the centre of attention.
Because of her acquired status and her imperious bearing, Haitians referred to her as "Mama Doc".
Because of her acquired status, her reputation for vanity and her imperious bearing, ordinary Haitians often referred to her sarcastically as "Mama Doc."
She was followed swiftly by an older woman of imperious bearing but with a glint of impending madness in her eyes.
Hitler liked him, as much for his imperious military bearing as for his abilities.
Her imperious bearing was gone.
"I saw a large boat about half an hour ago," answered the boy, terrified by the rough voice and imperious bearing of the cavalier.
Ms. Anderson was the more poised of the two, not surprising given the cold fire of her soprano technique, the handsome figure and the slightly imperious bearing.