Our impetuous unilateral action must have Moscow chuckling privately.
She would be even more powerful than the woman whose impetuous actions had started the Trojan War.
Sublette was reported to be a man of dynamic and attractive personality, with a strong tendency toward impetuous action and speech.
He is not necessarily a villain but has played the role in the past through his impetuous and arrogant actions.
That might encourage Terronationalists to take impetuous action.
This impetuous action was perpetrated by one individual who was not closely affiliated with Monte.
We do not normally advocate swift, impetuous action, but the Priestess is a compelling woman.
These qualities often result in impetuous and ill-considered actions and decisions.
Suddenly Rodney leaped, an impetuous action prompted by an infantile thrill of the chase.
By her impetuous actions, she had forced him to take her as his wife.