She could see that he was at a loss for words - which was reason enough for her to be pleased with her impetuous decision.
In the long history of public education in America, one can search in vain for a single impetuous decision.
Already, her impetuous decision to bring down Dolov in a heap of stones was looking worse and worse.
His chief political rival, after all, is Benjamin Netanyahu, a man with his own long record of costly and impetuous decisions.
I do not make impetuous decisions, and I do not rush to embrace something just because it is novel and new.
Listening to the sound of beating propellers from craft overhead, Bowles refused to be hustled into an impetuous and possibly fatal decision.
"Before you make such an impetuous decision, girl, watch and see what lies in store for you here."
"Then it's not an impetuous decision."
Layla and Mamdouh's impetuous decisions result in unfortunate consequences.
He also stepped up his criticism of Mr. Jeffords and "the impetuous decision of one man to undermine our democracy."