The musicianship is careless; Mr. Cura's impetuous way with note values and rhythm in his offstage serenade led the Met's harpist on an uncomfortable chase.
And the master who was always the one to hold the missus back from her impetuous ways--the master was missing.
Explorers survived through teamwork and forethought, rather than going their own impetuous ways.
Meg spoke seriously and expected to see Laurie frown or laugh, but he did neither, for after a quick look at her, he said, in his impetuous way, "I like that!
Belle was much touched, and, in her impetuous way, set about mending matters as fast as possible.
Frack had simply underestimated Stan's impetuous way.
They had ridden and talked and played together, and he had forced his impetuous way into all her plans.
In 1768 he moved to Liverpool and launched, in his impetuous way, several cartographic and artistic projects.
It tore its impetuous way through hostile forces, winning victory after victory, but still striding on and on, not halting to count results.
It was just his usual brusque, impetuous way of speaking.