He gave an impish laugh and shifted his leather briefcase to the other arm.
"Our house is a lot of house even though it's a little house," Mr. Weingarten said with an impish laugh.
The trigger was pulled and Ray got a faceful of cold water, accompanied by an impish laugh.
Corrie stared in disbelief as Anne gave an impish laugh.
Mr. von Trier interjected with an impish laugh: "What did you want me to do?
Raina joined her sisters of the Agiel against the desk, adding an impish laugh that sparkled in her dark eyes.
"Nothing I can do about it," said Agnes Kuczma with an impish laugh.
It would bring a slow and almost impish laugh from Armand, the bones cracking, the look in Hauer's ice-cold blue eye.
He seemed addicted to the habit of this mirthless, almost impish laugh.
Mr. Voluck's impish laugh contrasts with his severe black suit and starched white shirt, buttoned to the collar.