The cloaked man spoke again, quietly, with implacable calm.
"Personal , " she repeated with her special brand of implacable calm.
In a way, with his implacable calm, Taurik seemed the most insane of all of them.
"It is also possible that additional enemy machines entered my structure by the same route you did," Hector continued with implacable calm.
Mary looked to Ryder for direction and saw nothing in his implacable calm that supported her own disquiet.
That he wants to be rid of him,' said Aspley, recovering his implacable calm, 'I can well understand.
At such junctures, Picard always made a special effort to exude implacable calm.
"Four months is about what we're looking at," Janson replied with implacable professional calm.
For more than a million sunrises, the Egyptian sphinx has guarded the Pharaohs' mysteries with implacable calm.
"My gage is now lying upon the table," said Hugh Beringar with implacable calm.