From the grim, implacable expressions on the seven faces around him, it was hard to be optimistic.
Her Djanai exited, leaving the other to guard them with an implacable expression.
Each steps down off the bridge, some showing wounds, all hiding terror behind implacable expressions.
It was there in his implacable expression, in the set of his shoulders.
The words slipped by Jericho, making no impact on his implacable expression.
An implacable expression turned his face into an austere and pain-filled mask.
The dead ranked behind her seemed to be looking at him with the same distant, implacable expression.
McCoy surveyed his three restive patients with an implacable expression.
Watching this changing of the guard is a young woman with long blond hair and an implacable expression.
Then he noticed the hard, implacable expression on Jody's face and recognized it as fury.