This simple but implausible explanation for the Russian army being far behind the Austrian is dismissed by scholar Frederick Kagan as "a bizarre myth".
It tells the story of a gullible drunkard returning night after night to see new evidence of his wife's lover, only to be taken in by increasingly implausible explanations.
An easy answer to the credibility of this conclusion would be for someone to suggest a potential not implausible explanation based on some selected variables.
In their dissent, Justices Stevens and Breyer said this procedure turned the inquiry required by the Batson decision into a "meaningless charade" in which "silly, fantastic, and implausible explanations" had to be tolerated.
But this is an implausible explanation for what seems to be a democratizing trend, with rising achievement.
This frequently leaves the inexperienced adventurer, cheesemaker Jonathan Bing, with competing and implausible explanations as to what is actually going on.
Stories like Weiner's (and John Edwards's and on and on and on) have such an excruciating arc: the squirming denials, the laughably implausible explanations, then the slow drumbeat toward the inevitable admission.
In order for the hoax to stand a realistic chance of succeeding, the Cadets would have to remain unaware of the true nature of the show, even given any production mistakes and implausible explanations.
The least implausible explanation for Mr. Bush's tough line is that he fears the precedent.
At the start, all sorts of implausible explanations were offered for the drop in U.S. stock prices.