Firstly, people may not realise the amount of restrictions placed on implementing agencies (such as Habitat) by donors.
Local authorities are therefore able to make or elaborate policies and are not merely implementing agencies.
It may therefore provide opportunities for some implementing agencies to develop new initiatives that were perhaps not originally envisaged.
Since 2002 a further 20,500 landmines, cluster munitions and other items of UXO have been cleared by the various implementing agencies.
During the third stage a process through which the main implementing agencies, such as relevant government departments, will consider and possibly adopt key recommendations, operationalise measures, including budgeting for them.
This process also made it easier for community and implementing agencies to identify and refer patients needing treatment services.
Adapted curricula and supporting materials and technical assistance for implementing agencies are available.
The PIL, filed in 2001, has resulted in a number of directives from the court to the funding and implementing agencies and the case is continuing.
In parallel to this effort, UNDEF initiated negotiation of project documents with implementing agencies of 86 projects.
As of 2006 the CAP is divided into 'clusters', representing the various groups of implementing agencies in humanitarian aid.