Not one to just follow what other manufacturers were doing, Rogers implemented new features and innovations in his locomotives that were quickly adopted by other firms.
Allied Waste also implemented innovations such as gas-to-energy projects.
He is also a celebrated author and speaker who challenged the industry to implement innovations, and has been ranked among the most prolific researchers in insurance.
"The Brothers Amati", as they were known, implemented far-reaching innovations in design, including the perfection of the shape of the f-holes.
These various presidents have implemented numerous innovations, the aim of which has been to adapt the education given at the Sorbonne to the demands of the 21st century.
Top-tier Internet retailers go to great lengths to merchandise their goods effectively and implement technological innovations, like offering shoppers a personalized on-line catalogue.
Managers who want to stay on top have an obligation to their organization to implement innovations in their industry.
This prize came in recognition of the company's activities creating new products and implementing new solutions and innovations at the company level.
In the 1950s he worked in Soyuzmultfilm, but was fired over noncompliance with company's policy (he tried to implement several innovations).
Google has implemented various innovations in the online advertising market that helped make it one of the biggest brokers in the market.