More interesting is his implicit comparison with direct democracy.
Each subject was making an implicit comparison, but the reference was never made explicit.
Your implicit comparison to American states is highly questionable.
Furthermore, the grounds of the suppression were all implicit comparisons, and nothing explicit.
In team meetings, there is an implicit comparison between every team member, especially if the meeting agenda is to present results and goal status.
Two balanced stanzas, one describing a spider, the other the speaker's soul, perfectly frame the implicit comparison, with neither being privileged over the other.
Just for insurance, she returns to the implicit comparison with Clinton: "Bob Dole doesn't make promises he can't keep."
Secondly, the implicit comparison of 'free' vs 'locked-down' is simply wrong.
He argued that his appeal was much broader than that, drawing an implicit comparison with Dr. Dean.
And indeed much of the book's intellectual fascination revolves around an implicit and protracted comparison between the two art forms.