He said apartheid was "an international concern," implicitly rejecting South Africa's argument that it was an internal affair.
And they said the Governor's budget implicitly rejects several of the city's principal requests for state assistance.
They would far prefer a broader based union, still based on the Pacification and the "religious peace", which both the unions of Utrecht and Arras implicitly rejected.
Implicitly rejecting the openness that marks Mr. Gorbachev's innovations, Professor Reinhold said East Germany's society was built "in open conditions."
Mr. Modrow's vision implicitly rejected such ideas.
And it is the truth all vessels implicitly reject when they enter the gates of the giant concrete chambers to be "locked through" up- or downriver.
The critics have been hard on the notion of the museum as a reflection of history that implicitly rejects the tastes of later generations.
It implicitly rejects divorce, homosexual unions and abortion.
Through those years, the pope, like the governments of the United States and Britain, implicitly rejected the caution of figures like Cardinal Wyszynski.
It implicitly rejected the evidence from GNR senior managers who denied that there was any prior history of problems, but made no comment on the discrepancy.