"Other World" sounds poetical, but to say an "additional continuum" implies physical meaning.
An acutely intelligent piece by the literary theorist and scholar Bruce Robbins attacks, in a different way, the idea that secularism implies meaninglessness or, at best, second-rate meaning.
Ms. Harnick stimulates the viewer's imagination by implying meaning instead of revealing it.
How- ever, it sounds meaningful, and it's the tone of voice and the transition "as" that imply meaning.
By then, they knew pretty well * Context implies second meaning.
Intuitive types like myself tend to ignore what is going on right now and how it came about except as we imagine past and present implying meaning for the fu- ture.
Does the word "konor' have implied meaning, such as "enlightened people," "chosen people," or similar semantic layering?"
It literally means 'byitself-so-ness,' implying more inner meaning than 'spontaneity' or 'naturalness'
The use of sound was vital in this, allowing the montage of shots to imply hidden meaning, such as the sound of an unseen aircraft on a seemingly peaceful day.
What I did do though (no matter how inept) is adapt your phrasing to imply meaning using a square bracketing technique.