After the oil price spikes following 1973, agricultural imports also increased dramatically and caused significant damage to domestic production.
We think restricting imports causes far more harm than good.
An independent agency then decides whether the dumped imports have caused the aggrieved industry "material harm," a low threshold.
While players are given Drachmas to start out each scenario, imports and basic expenses cause the need for export.
Unless you are foolish enough to hang your citizens by not financing the drain on money that excess imports cause.
The inflationary import of these increases caused advances in prices of both precious and base metals.
Rather, it is arguing that imports are causing serious damage to the industry.
"Demand during this period was strong, and imports caused devastation."
This could occur because unforeseen surges in imports cause or threaten to cause serious damage to that particular industry.
In the early 1990s the massive import of foreign records caused a serious decrease in Hungaroton's sales.