"Some domestic makers also demonstrated considerable determination to outpace the import competition," the report says.
The relief, in the form of quotas or tariffs, would protect struggling industry from import competition.
The American auto industry began the 1980s in a thoroughly grim situation, faced with poor quality control, rising import competition, and a severe economic downturn.
Support came from lawmakers who represent industrial areas that have been devastated by import competition.
The new approach has delighted some American industries facing import competition, like Detroit's car makers.
Until the 1980's, domestic industries sought protection from import competition under a variety of statutes.
"There is a saving for consumers - there's no question - because many of these products have been protected right now from import competition."
Thus, free trade also leads to costs associated with workers displaced by import competition and offshore outsourcing.
"This places an unwarrented burden on end users, particularly smaller ones, who themselves face import competition in their finished products."
And in these fairly good times, many companies, even those with import competition, show rising profits and strong balance sheets.