Farmers in Sinaloa contend that importing corn from the United States has left them with 2.4 million tons of unsold corn.
Many countries have rules about labeling food that contains genetically modified organisms, or G.M.O. Zambia, for instance, has refused to import transgenic corn.
Even so, Mexico often must import corn from the United States to satisfy demand.
Not importing corn until our own English corn reaches eighty shillings a quarter well, it seems to me that our poorer people are going to have a hard time of it.
In September, a decision was announced to import corn from South Africa, Tanzania and Uganda.
And despite paying about double world market prices for its peasants' corn, for example, only in the last two years has Mexico not had to import corn and beans.
The Queenhithe harbour was used for importing corn into London and continued to be in use into the 20th century, by the fur trade.
Last year, China had to import corn to meet its needs.
The government says it will import corn from South Africa, and last month it banned all exports of flour, cooking oil and sugar.
This was good news for big companies in Mexico importing corn for animal feed and processed food.