This, in turn, would cause imports to decrease, but domestic production and exports to increase.
In January, exports decreased 41% and imports decreased 26% from the year before.
"U.S. oil and natural gas production has increased, while imports of foreign oil have decreased."
During 2008 imports of most models decreased, and in some cases, stopped.
Compared to 2005, export decreased 27.2% and import decreased 13.7%.
"It is important to note that capital-goods exports increased while their imports decreased," Mr. Archey said.
American imports from Iran decreased from $148 million in 2007 to $86 million in 2008.
Exports fell 9.9 percent, compared with a 1.2 percent drop in the first quarter; imports decreased 6.7 percent, down from a 5.0 fall.
Exports declined 0.8 percent, to $179.2 billion, and imports decreased 1.0 percent, to $222.6 billion.
In a number of countries consumption has decreased by 10-30%, and imports of milk powder from China have decreased.