This, however already changed in the autumn, with Germany beginning to import energy from its neighbors.
The following table identifies those states which must import electrical energy from neighboring states to meet their consumption needs.
Most claimed to be "escaping" from Manhattan, though it was soon clear that they had imported their standards, energy and ambition up north.
General Abacha so ran down Nigeria's infrastructure that the country, the world's 11th-largest oil producer, had to import energy.
Italy may have to import renewable energy to meet these targets.
She said researchers would look at a variety of alternatives, including conservation, windmills and the feasibility of importing energy.
The goal of the Union' s overall strategy must be to seek to reduce Europe' s dependence on importing energy.
He says that Britain's 'lifeblood' should not be in the hands of 'foreigners', but how does he want to avoid us importing energy?
We want to import energy but on a secure basis, and we want to export democracy and human rights.
Those regions from which we import energy are often unstable.