However, scientists have pointed out that fish samples were drawn from local markets, which often import fish from other areas.
Both were charged with attempting to import fish, illegally taken by Taiwanese fisherman on the high seas, into Japan.
Jugs made from a variety of materials were used to import fish from overseas, with a bicycle foot pump for aeration.
For a while after this, some koi farmers in neighbouring states stopped importing fish for fear of infecting their own stocks.
The new Government could no longer afford to import dried fish.
Now, in some cases, it is even quicker and hardly more expensive to import fish from abroad than to buy domestic products.
Gabon, which is once again selling fishing rights for a three-year period, is itself obliged to import fish.
So we import fish from South America to feed to fish in Scotland?
Second, penalties for importing illegal meat or fish are low and rarely imposed.
The Khazars apparently played a significant role in the economic vitality of the city, importing caviar, fish, and salt into Kiev.