He imported cattle, thoroughbred horses, hogs, and sheep for his Broad Mead farm.
It could be argued that European settlers made them more efficient by importing horses and then they started hunting on horseback.
Poland was at that time an Iron Curtain nation, and importing horses from there directly to America was quite complicated.
In 1884, Robinson imported purebred Arabian horses.
He imported horses and weapons and modernized the army along European lines.
They used to import horses of fine quality from foreign countries such as Persia and Eastern Europe.
Ultimately, the Allied blockade prevented the Central Powers from importing horses to replace those lost, which contributed to Germany's defeat.
The first Fox Trotters were exported to Europe in the 1950s, when the Queen of England imported several palomino-colored horses.
He imported horses from Ontario for sale to local homesteaders and also sold real estate.
He imported cattle, horses, and sheep to the island and erected one of the earliest wharves along the California coast at Prisoners Harbor by 1869.