Venezuela has reduced the number of taxable and banned import items from 6,154 to about 200.
The military regime has never provided a complete list of prohibited import items.
Duffey added import items and art items to his ten thousand bargains.
More than 150 food businesses at Hunts Point import items from about 60 countries.
Wherever it touched down outside its birthplace in India, it was an import item, a foreign body that aroused suspicion as well as devotion.
The presence of domestic and foreign merchants is attested by numerous import items.
In the renewed agreement, Bangladesh gave free access to 18 major categories of import items from Bhutan.
The list of import items protected from foreign competition was cut to just 100, from 800.
The bill reduced rates across the board on most major import items save luxury goods such as tobacco and alcoholic beverages.
The latter had become a popular import item in recent years.