Although the yearbook's main focus was on import-export trade, it contained some information on domestic commercial activities.
When she was 19, she moved with her family to New York City, where her father was an engineer engaged in import-export trade.
Such secrets should remain the property of those who have earned them--the deserving servants of the Soviet import-export trade.
Tax concessions for new companies and the end of the state monopoly on import-export trade were also announced.
On Hydros there was so little contact with the greater universe beyond the sky, and no import-export trade whatever.
He went to New York to learn the import-export trade, hoping to find a business to support his marriage to Lucy.
Gibraltar economy, mainly based on commercial shipping and import-export trade, takes a new income source with the opening of a coaling station for the new steam ships.
Despite his "isolationist" policies, Francia conducted a profitable but closely supervised import-export trade with both countries to obtain key foreign goods, particularly armaments.
A generation ago, the musical import-export trade proceeded at a steady but gradual pace.
"Like so many other Russian men," he explained, "I have made my money in America as a businessman in the import-export trade."