A theatre is threatened with closure, but its staff fight to raise funds and secure the support of an important backer.
I wonder what the undergrounds want this time that such important backers as you and I had to be summoned so urgently?
March was an important backer of the 1936 military rebellion against the Republic.
He had no important backers, no ties to the Democratic Party and no political skills.
The state, probably the most important backer, early on declared North General a "financially distressed" institution, making it eligible for special reimbursement funds.
Another event in September 1994 gave the Taliban their most important external backer.
McDonald's was in the way of Orient Plaza, a huge shopping and office complex that had important political backers.
At the same time, the PC model for the home does have important backers.
President Clinton kept him on a year and then returned to the tradition of rewarding important political backers with ambassadorships to Britain.
Ellis was an important backer of Ronald Reagan in his 1976 Presidential campaign.