The company then launched a fierce attack against the town of Lippoldsberg, possession of which was vital to security and expanding the important bridgehead.
Due to its location on the religious boundary Kaiserstuhl presented an important bridgehead for the Catholic regions.
In 774, Charlemagne conquered the Lombards, and as a consequence, Tyrol became an important bridgehead to Italy.
Turkish Cypriots had by now established an important bridgehead at Kokkina, providing them with arms, volunteers and materials from Turkey and abroad.
The salient had been held throughout 1942, despite being encircled for a few months, as it was an important strategic bridgehead.
He personally was responsible for the holding of this important bridgehead.
Its conquest meant to gain an important bridgehead in the region.
In this action, the French secured an important bridgehead on the Danube River.
I have always believed that Turkey's accession would provide an important bridgehead between the West and the Islamic world.
He held, together with his Kampfgruppe, for weeks, an important bridgehead.