Western Australia has become an important exporter of minerals, petroleum and natural gas.
Malaysia, an important exporter of tropical hardwoods, has resisted proposals that would limit cutting.
It is the most important exporter of machine tools and other advanced manufactured items to the Soviet bloc.
Is Cracow an important exporter of international orchestral skills?
Together they were the most important exporters of art into the countries around the Baltic Sea.
Prva Petoletka was an important exporter, delivering its products to over 30 countries on several continents.
Commercial aircraft is one such industry, and the Boeing Company in Seattle is perhaps the nation's most important exporter.
The state of Kerala is an important exporter in the national export of plantation products.
This led South Africa to develop an arms industry of its own and become an important exporter.
As an important exporter of food, the Union believes it is also important to improve access to markets and remove trade barriers in this new round.