She made important purchases at Sotheby's contemporary sales, too.
Additional funds from the sale have made this important purchase possible.
Credit is to be avoided except for very rare, extremely large, and important purchases such as a house.
He said he had an important purchase to make.
Last Updated: 10/10/2007 A car seat is an important purchase required by law in all 50 states.
Prices vary throughout Chinatown, making it worthwhile to do some comparison shopping for important purchases.
Another important purchase handled by homemakers is the power source used for appliances.
Or even chosen an important purchase, like new tyres for your car for example, based upon safety rather than price?
"It's now in the second tier of important purchase influences," she added, though reasons like past experience, price and quality remained far more important.
This was his first truly significant acquisition and was followed by several equally important purchases during the next decade.