This area serves as an important stopover for migrating waterfowl.
The area, an important stopover for migratory birds, was created by sand deposits and is only a few hundred years old.
The marshes are an important stopover for migrating birds.
The park is an important stopover on the Atlantic flyway, he explains.
In the 1880s the town became an important stopover for wagons travelling to the gold mining town of Barberton.
An important stopover was Westfield, where food and hiding places were provided to slaves trying to reach Canada.
Despite much of the deterioration of the forest areas, it is still an important stopover for migratory birds as well.
Because turtles could be kept alive onboard for months, the Tortugas became an important stopover for fresh meat and eggs.
It is an important stopover for river traffic going up the Rajang River.
It was an important stopover on the road from the Marmara region to Mesopotamia.