The value as jumped from five million to ten, simply because the Green Star franchises have become important within the past few months.
So, and you've said several times it's important within the Constitution and the law.
China's long idealized tradition of continuing their family lineage is very important within Chinese culture.
We can legitimately ask to what extent such personal qualities are important as a source of power within the public sector.
Local political and social developments in Japan were more important than the activities of the central authority within a stratified society.
Burzum quickly became important within the early Norwegian black metal scene.
The scheme is now sponsored and is increasingly important within the local community.
Russia is important within the region, but relations with that country are rather more complicated.
These measures may seem small but they are still important to our common goal of mobility within the internal market.
However, one of the new Rules is less important within the House than outside it.