A Customs procedure providing import duty relief for goods imported into the EU for process and re-export outside the EU.
Subject to certain conditions vessels which are temporarily imported from outside the EU for private use may be eligible for relief from duty and VAT.
It serves both as an entry point for slaves imported from outside the US as well as a destination for slaves.
This notice explains when you can claim relief from customs charges if goods are imported from outside the EU for temporary use in the UK.
"Reconnaissance does not show that the equipment and personnel were imported from outside the worlds on which they are now based."
End Use goods: Goods imported from outside the EC are granted favourable rates of duty, provided they are put to prescribed use within set time limits.
It is true that both of these images are of a portable nature and might easily have been imported from outside the kingdom by some Buddhists.
You must calculate the customs value of the compensating products at (a) above using the normal rules for goods imported from outside the EC (see paragraph 7.8).
Parchment, using sheepskins left after the wool was removed for cloth, was sometimes cheaper than papyrus, which had to be imported outside Egypt.
VAT is charged on goods imported from outside the European Union at the same rate as if you bought the goods in the UK.