In exchange, they had to place caps on their rents and could not impose increases unless profits fell below 6 percent.
The government also pledged to impose stringent water conservation in the north, as well as stiff increases in the price of water.
Automobile sales are plunging across much of Europe, but particularly in Germany, where the government has imposed big increases in gasoline taxes in the last year.
It will also impose additional increases in about 15 percent of its markets to make up for earlier price cuts.
American Airlines plans to raise fares 4.4 percent starting on Saturday, and to impose various additional increases in some markets.
The train companies can impose bigger increases on some routes if they introduce smaller ones elsewhere.
He said fund managers around the country were worried that governments would impose increases in the assumed rate not for valid financial reasons but simply to save money.
Recently the transportation authority's board imposed broad increases in fares and tolls, including a rise to $2 from $1.50 in the subway fare.
Other insurers have imposed similar increases.
The county government has imposed steep increases for many permits and licenses in the last year.