Yet once again it recommends against imposing any sanctions on the major cocaine-producing nations for fear of "destabilizing" them.
The first of the two men was tall, imposing of manner, even to his grizzled hair.
Light brown sugar did the same thing but imposed too much of its own molasses flavor.
Yet the law does impose a vast array of unfamiliar and in some cases still evolving restrictions on both parties.
An Oxford spokesman said suspension was the most serious penalty the university could impose, short of dismissal.
He said that rather than addressing discrimination in any conventional sense, the majority was imposing its own "standard of care."
'Camber the torso, and you will impose yourself of their attention.'
Applying this test to the Arizona statute, the court found it imposed too great of a burden to justify its benefits.
He took several days to announce that as governor he would not "simply impose my personal views on the women of New Jersey."
Only the fact that she does not resort to murder imposes the reserve of this 'almost'.