The government's plan imposes strict tests for paying claims, and many claimants will not receive 100 percent payment.
It makes no sense to impose tough new standards and tests without the money to help achieve them.
University officials also voted to impose tests in reading, writing and mathematics before students could move into the junior and senior baccalaureate years.
But there is virtually no political appetite for imposing mandatory tests on pregnant women, so a strong voluntary approach is the only feasible alternative.
Mr. Reagan might limit himself to a strong statement urging states to impose such tests.
But the Senate on Thursday voted 63 to 32 against requiring states to impose such tests.
The government has imposed increasingly stringent tests on those in receipt of unemployment benefit.
But the law is clear that a defendant cannot impose religious, ethnic or similar tests for court-appointed counsel.
It has imposed tests and established rigorous standards.
Ljungqvist said the new rules would mean the medical commission would have to impose tests in every country.