It is a duty imposed by the Treaty on each individual institution.
Time and again we run up against the limits of jurisdiction imposed by the Treaty.
In fact, the treaty imposes trade restrictions on states that are outside the regime.
The treaties imposed a "peace" only in the sense that they removed Indians from the continued contest for control of the country.
The treaty imposed economic sanctions and levied heavy reparations on the country.
A change is also imposed by the Treaty of Lisbon, which rates social dialogue very highly.
The treaty of Versailles had imposed severe restrictions on Germany's military strength.
The treaty imposed a severe financial burden to the Burmese kingdom, and effectively left it crippled.
However, treaties and practicality impose limits on taxation of those outside its borders, even on income from sources within the country.
The mutual restraint imposed by the Treaty reduced the explosive force of new nuclear warheads and bombs which could otherwise be tested for weapons systems.