The number was imposed on him by the prison for over 25 years, until his release in 1990.
First, he noted, the state did not impose water restrictions until late in the summer of 2002.
Though the plan had been not to impose martial law until the early hours of May 21, troops are already visible on the streets.
Airlines aren't a new business, of course, but they operated in a completely different environment from 1938, when the federal government imposed regulation, until 1978.
Legislation passed last year imposed a moratorium on nuclear testing until this July 1.
Mr. Wall had previously said that the premiums would be imposed until 1995.
Fines will not be imposed until January 2012, giving taxi drivers several months to prepare.
Tecna has taken its case to court, demanding that a moratorium on Section 1706 be imposed until 1988.
Load restrictions may have to be imposed until reconstruction.
Widespread shareholder restrictions are relatively new; most companies did not impose them until the mid- to late 1980's.