The gates were flung open and hauled closed behind the last of Maarken's group in an impossibly short time.
Any moment now the Professor would put his head round the door and tell her to be ready in some impossibly short time.
Trembling fingers fluttered through the impossibly short strands that layered it.
The Short Ear workers are forced to build an even bigger statue in an impossibly short amount of time.
Which brings me to a small room in an Ambleside hotel and an impossibly short deadline.
In the old movies on videotape that her father kept at The Retreat, she would sometimes see women with such impossibly short haircuts.
With the days getting impossibly short and the winter chill setting in, I need something to get me through the gray gloom.
His phone calls must wrap up within an impossibly short 15 minutes.
For an impossibly short span, the two became one, the joining supremely satisfying and promising joys to come.
There is clearly no sense in setting an impossibly short timetable in order to impress the client.