She was revolted at her impotent and fat husband King Afonso, and after sixteen months of an unconsummated marriage, she had it annulled.
After an injury leaves her husband impotent and crippled, Lady Chatterly is torn between love for her husband and her desires.
The movie is about an impotent husband(Rajesh) and his wife Vadivukarasi.
Her old, nearly impotent husband, the Baron de Morency, had hired a band of Breton mercenaries to fight in some petty skirmish on the borders of his land.
That awful aunt, her impotent husband - they even made him change his name.
Whilst she attracts him physically, so that he has erotic dreams about her, she has suffered from her previous marriage to an impotent husband.
He played an impotent husband in the movie Uhaw (1970) with Merle Fernandez and Tito Galla, directed by Ruben Abalos.
Beaten by her impotent husband because she has not borne a son, Ju Dou appeals to the lonely Tian Qing.
He listened sympathetically to their little tragedies - impotent husbands, beatings, lack-of-attention - to whatever excuses the lovely creatures wished to offer.