Using watercolor and paper instead of oils and canvas made it easy for the impoverished artists to transport their materials easily and paint on site.
The limited menu is kind to impoverished artists; nothing is more than $10.
"Career Move" depicts a world in which poets are highly paid Hollywood hacks and screenwriters are impoverished artists who publish their obscure work in little magazines.
The studio La Ruche is established in the 15th arrondissement of Paris by the sculptor Alfred Boucher to provide accommodation for impoverished young artists.
Truth be told, the maecenate was rather thrifty, it profited from the needs of the debuting and impoverished artist.
A Puccini opera (below) had its premiere in Turin - a tale of doomed love among impoverished young artists in 19th century Paris.
He spent most of his life as an impoverished artist.
Resigned to a colorless marriage, Caroline Stephens finds amusement playing Medici and providing patronage to a bevy of young, impoverished artists.
However, she finds happiness through playing the violin and in the arms of an impoverished artist, whom she marries.
We cannot ignore the fact that the arts have a prominent role to play in the integration of minorities, but they can also provide social support for talented but impoverished artists.