Tutak is a small town providing schools, a hospital and other basic amenities to this impoverished rural district.
The impoverished district clearly cannot pay to keep the magnet program alive without the state's substantial contributions, now running at about $200 million a year.
Routine failure in this impoverished district has been accepted almost as a matter of course.
Across the city, gains were strongest in some of the most impoverished and historically lowest-performing districts.
This story takes place in an impoverished district outside Buenos Aires.
The court found merit to her argument but still insisted on more money for impoverished districts.
The state has the responsibility to provide them rather then leave it up to the impoverished districts, they wrote.
The former Mayor's campaign has largely focused on how to revitalize the impoverished and predominantly black district in the southeast part of the city.
It is one of the more impoverished districts of the city.
At the time, it was the most impoverished district of the quickly expanding capital: poverty in all its forms, psychological and spiritual.